> On Wed, 09 Mar, 2005 at 06:12AM -0800, Robert Persson spake thus:
>> I asked this question on the gentoo-users list and apparently if I put
>> options realtime gid=18 mlock=1
>> into /etc/modules.d/realtime
>> that should do the trick. I'll try it out tomorrow.
>> Robert.
james@email-addr-hidden-dot-dat.net writes:
> Well, I do as suggested above, but I use:
> realtime any=1
> What's the significance of using mlock?
It enables programs to lock memory using the mlock() and mlockall()
system calls. Since mlock=1 is the default, leaving it off has no
effect. If you don't need to lock memory, setting mlock=0 will remove
that capability.
BTW, I recommend using the `gid' option instead of `any'. It provides
noticeably better security for very little extra effort.
-- joqReceived on Wed Mar 9 20:15:08 2005
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