> >Sound click is neither intrusive nor malevolent. They provide a
> >pretty decent service to the community for free. The only thing they
> >want is a login name. This is probably to save on bandwidth,
> >
> isn't it more likely that it is "probably" to do with advertising dollars?
How so? "we will never make any of this information available to
others without your consent (see privacy policy for details)" How
then, are they making money off of your username? At worst their
software tracks your preferences and uses it for providing the best
ads in the website when you visit, but it probably does this
anyway...much like gmail.
Perhapse they have better negotiating powers with more signups. I
think that is about as far as you can reach with that.
> > those
> >unwilling to participate in the community don't get any.
> >
> by participating, i guess you mean "providing private information about
> yourself" and/or "wasting time needlessly" ...
"Registered members enjoy lots of benefits like winning mp3 players,
your own My.SoundClick account with your playlists, you can vote for
your favorite bands, post your opinions on message boards and much
In other words, participate in a community. Community members get the
works. Those just passing through don't get as much.
Here is the required "private information about yourself" you must provide:
* username
* password
* email
* country
The rest is optional. The first two are obvious necessities. The
third to make sure you are a real person (otherwise spammers can get
accounts and use them to fuck with other users). I don't know why
they want country but it isn't a major concern...lie if you want.
They can get it from your IP anyway...if you are THAT paranoid you
shouldn't be on the Internet at all; otherwise you are just kidding
i mean, if you're posting
> a song to the list for comment, it should at least be freely accessible
> and *easy* to access - i.e. you should be able to click on alink from
> your mail client that will automatically bring up a "save to ..." box,
> not a registration page.
Well, you won't get a "save to..." box but you will see links to lo-fi
streams. If you want more you have to do more...and not a whole lot
more really.
> >Many other
> >sites do the same thing; if they allowed downloads without an account
> >it would tripple the requirements of their systems...why the expense
> >for a bunch of dorks that don't want to be a part of what is going on?
> >
> >
> >
> well, it's just that there's more than Soundclick going on ... and
> soundclick seems to sort of suck. i went to download your song, then saw
> what was required, and realised i was a "dork".
Good. Then stick with the stream or don't listen at all. (Yeah, I
was wrong...this is even stupider than I thought. You can listen to
the hi-fi stream without signing up!!!)
That seems pretty simple to me. When you start providing the same
service they do for free I might see you as something other than a
snot nosed brat.
> >I'm sorry, but when a company offers something free like soundclick
> >does it is pretty lame to complain about them wanting login accounts
> >to use it. Everyone else charges their artists or provide limited
> >space. Soundclick does neither. IMHO they deserve some kudo's for
> >that, not a bunch of complaining because they want login
> >accounts...that is just stupid and selfish.
> >
> >
> >
> those comments themselves are stupid and selfish.
How so?
> >No, I am proud to be an artist on soundclick's website. If you don't
> >like it you don't get to download my music. I am not going to let
> >that bother me too much.
> >
> >
> >
> hooray.
Received on Tue Mar 29 04:15:19 2005
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