> Lähettäjä: David Baron <d_baron@email-addr-hidden>
> Päiväys: 2005/03/29 ti AM 10:29:29 GMT+03:00
> Vastaanottaja: linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
> Aihe: Re: [linux-audio-user] repost:
> curious about jamin feedback
> On Tuesday 29 March 2005 02:09, linux-audio-user-request@email-addr-hidden
> wrote:
> > Hello all - was just now reading some discussion about Jamin - was just
> > wondering, how are people responding to Jamin? are they liking it? are
> > people liking the way it sounds? getting good results? complaining?
> > raving?
> Intriguing program but its multiprocess paradigm (this is not a file-file or
> file-playback filter, one must play something, jack it into jamin) it too
> much a cpu hawg for my old clunker :-)
David, I am not sure if you meant this, but I also would like to see an option, where you could open the (.wav, .au etc.) file directly to Jamin and start mastering - like in T-RackS, for example - and save it to other file.
But it is a great software, even without the before-mentioned option.
Received on Tue Mar 29 12:15:19 2005
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