Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: sharing tracks with bittorrent?

From: Shayne O'Connor <forums@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Apr 01 2005 - 00:54:43 EEST

Juhana Sadeharju wrote:

>>From: "Shayne O'Connor" <forums@email-addr-hidden>
>>the thing is, i haven't got that much space on my server, and it seems a
>>bit of a waste to take all the time to upload it there (i only have an
>>upload speed of, like, 7k/b or something) when i could just share it
>>directly in the superb way that bittorrent does.
>What is wrong with http or ftp?

apart from "i haven't got much space on my server", nothing. turns out
it wasn't that big anyway ...

anyway, i learned how to publish a torrent ;)

Received on Fri Apr 1 04:15:05 2005

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