[linux-audio-user] Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAC 2005 streaming: please test!

From: Christoph Eckert <mchristoph.eckert@email-addr-hidden-online.de>
Date: Thu Apr 07 2005 - 20:55:26 EEST


> there is one video (un chien andalou by salvador dali) and
> one audio stream (the jazz tune "melancia" played by a
> friend of mine) streamed in two different bitrates each.


I can hear audio for all streams, but I get no video at all
using VLC 0.8 on my Gentoo box.

Kaffeine tells me 'contacting http server... 0%' and does
nothing else.

 Best regards

Received on Fri Apr 8 00:15:10 2005

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