Re: [linux-audio-user] hello gentoo? speed up please...

From: derek holzer <>
Date: Mon Apr 11 2005 - 00:11:47 EEST

Hi again,

just looking at the ebuild I sent, I realized that actually there's no
love in it at all. Love-Sources I mean ;-) It was just a hacky way of
making an ebuild for the MM and RT patchsets using the Love-Sources
ebuild as a template. Can't remember why I didn't rename it, I think
maybe I had some problems with renaming. I'm not an ebuild maestro, so
it's an ugly but functional hack. Better than a slow kernel, tho.


derek holzer :::
---Oblique Strategy # 69:
"Feed the recording back out of the medium"
Received on Mon Apr 11 00:15:23 2005

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