[linux-audio-user] tutka - MIDI-tracker with JACK support

From: Kai Vehmanen <kvehmanen@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Apr 24 2005 - 13:46:05 EEST

Hello all,

I just noticed that initial JACK-transport support has been added to the
latest version of Tutka (0.12.3). Transport integration still has its
issues, but based on initial tests, Tutka seems really promising.

I noticed that there haven't been (m)any mails about Tutka on lau/lad, so
I guess it's not all that wellknown. It uses the Soundtracker tracker
widget (another favorite app of mine :)), and uses the ALSA sequencer
subsystem (starting with 0.12.2). The app is actually very stable,
which makes it even more promising.

Some links:
   - http://www.nongnu.org/tutka/
   - http://eca.cx/download/misc/patch-tutka-0.12.3-kv1_20050424.txt
     (if you have trouble compiling with JACK-support, try this
     patch... already sent to the author)

  Audio software for Linux!
Received on Sun Apr 24 16:15:10 2005

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