Frank smith wrote:
>I've got the PC loss stuff.
>Does this just run from the CD?
>I seem to have missed this,
>I have 3 cd's (iso's ) and one addon
Not sure what you mean here?
"I have 3 cd's (iso's ) and one addon"??
There is a single ISO at the url below.
Once you have burnt it to CD, no you dont have to commit to an install. It should boot the system into KDE 3.4 from the liveCD only.
>>>i've dowloaded and installed the pclinuxos live cd ... got thac's apt
>>Here's the link for step by step on Mklivecd. It is written for MDK but
>>same rules apply for PCLOS.
>>These guys are devs for PCLOS as well.
Received on Tue Apr 26 00:15:08 2005
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