On Tuesday 26 April 2005 15:57, linux-audio-user-request@email-addr-hidden
> Just noticed about this recent release of JUCE 1.10:
> (http://www.rawmaterialsoftware.com/juce/)
> which I think is the first one ready for build on Linux. Indeed, I've just
> tested the "jucedemo" program and it seems to be running quite fine.
> Impressive, I may say.
Yes, Tracktion came close to running on Linux using WINE. Parts of the UI did
not work and nothing played but ... temptingly close.
This was when they were giving away version 1. Now there is version 2 and both
versions cost. Will Mackie go through the trouble of supplying a native Linux
port? The Linux audio community likes its software opensource. Juce is but
Tracktion is not. Only if enough of us are willing to fork out the cash and
let Mackie know this ....
(It is not as simple as a recompile. Getting acceptable audio performance,
likely using jack, will take some nice work!)
Received on Tue Apr 26 20:15:06 2005
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