Re: [linux-audio-user] Ableton live user

From: Levi D. Burton <ldb@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Apr 26 2005 - 22:16:55 EEST

Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:

>On Mon, 25 Apr 2005 19:51:48 -0500
>"Levi D. Burton" <ldb@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>>Oh, and using linux audio software live? I wouldn't.
>Sorry, Levi, you are wrong.

Sorry, Erik, but I am entitled to my own opinion. I don't see how it
could be wrong or right. I simply said,

"I wouldn't"

How could that be wrong or right?

You guys need to step back and listen a little bit more to what people
are saying, rather than immediately going into defensive mode.

I don't mind being called names, such as "idiot", "asshole", etc etc.
But to say my opinion is wrong, is, well, wrong.
Received on Wed Apr 27 00:15:25 2005

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