[linux-audio-user] seq24 + jack = I'm stuck!

From: cochardy <yves.cochard@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Apr 29 2005 - 02:51:23 EEST


Ok ok, I installed gentoo, I installed jack, I installed the realtime
module (it shows up with lsmod and in jack). But seq24 won't "work":

If I use seq24-0.6.2 or 0.6.3, then it won't even start, won't even show
in jack.
If I use seq24-0.6.1 it starts, but it won't show up in jack, or won't
find any apps like zynaddsubfx, but at least, seq24 starts with this
version when I press the play button (and the refresh button of jack
"blink" like it does on FC3).

When I use fedora core 3, seq24-0.6.1 shows up in jack through
"midithrough" and works fine. I don't really know what that is and how
to enable that...

What is this "midithrough" in jack, how can I manage to have it in the
gentoo's jack?

I would be happy to know the way to the solution (then I stay on Gentoo
forever... :-) )


Received on Fri Apr 29 04:15:05 2005

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