[copying response to LAU]
Ruben Jenster <ruben@email-addr-hidden> writes:
> I'm sorry to bug you again. I know it's not your patch but I read in
> the lau mailinglist that you have it working. Hope you can help a
> nOOb like me.
Actually, I don't. I've been too busy with other projects. I still
run the realtime-lsm here. It's so easy... ;-)
Jody recommended asking these questions on linux-audio-users (copied
here). You are certainly not the only one having trouble configuring
> Now the question about rlimits.
> I applied the patch and modified /etc/security/limits.conf according.
> My user acount also belongs to the audio group, but I have no idea how to
> start e. g. jackd in realtime mode. I looked several times at the wiki
> and in the lau mailinglist but I havn't found a hint.
Did you apply the PAM patch?
> Can you tell me how to start a app as user with the rlimits patch?
> Neither 'jackd -R ...' nor 'nice -n -10 jackd ..' do work.
jackd -Rv -dalsa
If that does not work, then things are still not configured correctly.
The -v option is for debug output. Once it's working you can leave
that off.
-- joqReceived on Fri May 6 20:15:07 2005
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