Dave Robillard wrote:
>On Wed, 2005-11-05 at 01:10 +0200, Esben Stien wrote:
>>jmstone@email-addr-hidden writes:
>>>I am not really sure where "Linux Musicians" would fit into the
>>>front page there.
>>I'd vote for GNU Musicians; it's shorter and it's more correct, in my
>>opinion. Something like Free Software Musicians would also be nice.
>I think both "GNU" and "Linux" are stupid to use in this case (despite
>the IMO unfortunate name of this list)
>Free Software Musicians, or Open Source Musicians, whichever. That's
>the point, not which kernel you happen to be running this week.
well, musicians might use code, but they don't produce it - so i think
"free software musicians" isn't enought either ...
what about something based on the cultural equivalant to the gnu license
- Creative Commons?
Received on Wed May 11 16:15:07 2005
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