Lars Luthman <larsl@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> [-- text/plain, encoding quoted-printable, charset: ISO-8859-1, 15 lines --]
> On Thu, 2005-05-12 at 17:32 -0700, October wrote:
>> Some of the google searchs I've read seem to be of the
>> opinion that USB MIDI under linux is not yet ready for
>> prime time.
> I'm using an M-Audio Keystation with USB MIDI, and I've never had any
> problems with it. I just insert some kernel modules and plug it in, and
> it appears in qjackctl. I wish I would have got a keyboard with more
> knobs though.
I initially got an midiman (now m-audio) oxygen 8. It worked fine
under linux but the keys were very spongy, and one failed in less than
a month!
I managed to change it for an Evolution MK249c which I can heartily
recommend.. works very nicely under Linux and the key action is pretty
good. Also has a reasonable number of knobs (not sure it is still
available though.. 425C or 449C look good for small/large numbers of
keys respectively).
I think i would buy one of these now though:
Looks amazing.. with aftertouch as well (pretty rare on a keyboard of
this price).. but I am not 100% sure the USB port will work.. might
have to use your j/s port to drive it through the midi port as a
worst-case scenario.
You would need to try the key action though as this is really the main
thing about a keyboard, and it can really vary (as I found out!)
All the best,
Received on Fri May 13 20:15:13 2005
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