> Philip Nelson panmanphil@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> --- Stuart Allie <Stuart.Allie@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > Hi List,
> >
> > I'm looking for tools that can do things like this to a midi file:
> >
> > "take all the kick drum notes from bars 9 to 16 and shift them
> > in time by 2 ticks"
> >
> Code in MusE does some of these things. The user interface for doing
> is not very polished at this time and I wasn't able to do them easily.
> nice thing about muse is that the data is stored in an xml file that I
> could edit which got me out of my predicament which required me to
> all my pitch bend events.
Thanks. I've looked at the midi transform tool in muse... it does *some*
of the things I want. Perhaps I should look at adding some sort of
scripting to muse to do the rest. It would be nice to make use of an
existing framework and to be able to do things inside an existing editor
rather than doing the "save to midi file, run some program, reload the
midi file" thing.
> The second part is harder, where you talk about the "music view" in
> beats, bars vs the data view. MusE stores noteons as offsets. Of
course in
> the program is the logic to relate the note event offsets so the track
> editor, but I have not seen that this is exposed in an api.
Good point. I'll have to have a look through the muse code.
> Thinking about it I wondered if the code could be extended to allow
you to
> send note data from the track editor to an outside program. For
> if you could send the data to jmax that did understand midi, but
> interesting ways to manipulate the data. Being able to do it at run
> is another idea I suppose, with connections like the way ardour can
> audio to effects or outputs.
Audacity can send audio data to nyquist and nyquist can handle both
audio and midi data, so I guess hacking on audacity is another
possibility. Audacity loads and displays midi data but doesn't play it
or (AFAIK) pass it to nyquist yet.
I guess I'm looking for a scriptable midi editor similar to the way in
which, say, "snd" is a scriptable audio editor.
Thanks for the comments Philip.
BTW, I noticed your comment in another thread about having a guitar midi
controller. Which controller do you have? Does it track well enough to
be useful? I'd love to get into midi guitar, but I'm not sure where the
current state of hardware/software pitch tracking is. Any comments you
have would be useful.
Received on Wed May 18 04:15:09 2005
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