Re: [linux-audio-user] Publishing videos

From: Christoph Eckert <>
Date: Sun May 22 2005 - 03:48:52 EEST

> It makes mpeg-4 files which quicktime 6
> can play by default (and I believe everything in the linux
> world can pretty much play them too). I've only used it on
> a mac so far, but they have linux/unix binaries for use
> with xanim or openquicktime as well.

I'd like to see ogg vorbis theora spread more. I really
dislike binary only codecs. Ogg vorbis theora has really
shown us that it's a really cool codec during the LAC.

The problem in todays software world is not so much closed
software against open source software but closed file formats
vs. open file formats IMHO.

Best regards

Received on Sun May 22 04:15:06 2005

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