Last Wednesday 25 May 2005 17:11, Jan Depner was like:
> I really like the song. I agree with Paul W - I think you need a
> bit more bass. A couple of other suggestions:
Seeing as how bass is probably my first instrument, how I love being told to
turn it up! noted.
> slide the acoustic guitar a bit left and the vocals a bit right (or use
> the TAP stereo echo set up for Haas effect on the guitar)
> I would bring the vocal up a bit
Cool, I'll give that a shot. I didn't really play with pannings very much,
except to realise that bringing the two channels of a stereo vocal closer to
the centre sharpens it up. I'll do that some more then.
> the kick sounds kind of smeared - maybe try compressing it a bit
> (assuming it's on a single track)
The drums are on a stereo wav dump from Hydrogen. It means fixing it in the
patch set, but that's probably going to be fairly easy. ;)
Thanks for the suggestions and encouragement,
tim hall
Received on Thu May 26 08:15:06 2005
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