This looks just as simple as I need. :-) thanks for pointing it out!
>>Also worth looking at ZynAddSubFX for synthesis
It's always fun to have more synths.
>>Rosegarden4, MuSE
Looks like I'll have to install Qt after all :-D I have a slow machine
(P2 400MHz) so I guess I'll have to see which one eats the least resources.
>I would recommend seq24 as a nice (not traditional style, but very light
>and better for live work IMHO) sequencer
Actually I already found and love seq24! Thanks for reminding me. Live
stuff, yes it is brilliant!
>For something completely different from any music program you have ever
>used (or imagined) before, try freewheeling.. you definitely have to watch
>the tutorial videos to work out how to use it though!
Looks like I need to iron out my hardware issues (no full duplex) to use
this one properly. It certainly looks impressive though.
Thanks all,
-- Darren NZReceived on Fri Jun 3 04:15:06 2005
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