On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 10:28:53AM +0100, james@email-addr-hidden-dot-dat.net wrote:
> [...]
> I fiddled with zynaddsubfx until I had a sound I liked and then
> recorded one note held for about 10 seconds.
> I then used this as an instrument in cheesetracker. It makes up the
> stringy sounds, with reverb on it and the guitar with reverb before
> and after heavy ditortion.
> James
--- --- ---
Thanks. Both ZynAddSubFX and Cheesetracker sound interesting--yet *more*
applications to research and try of the now astonishinly rich set of
Linux and open-source tools for musicians and audio pros and
enthusiasts. It's hard to keep up. ;-)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------- He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire. -Winston Churchill ----------------------------------------------------------------Received on Fri Jul 8 20:15:05 2005
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