Re: [linux-audio-user] Hey Dude Ogg update Ardour

From: Frank smith <fsmith@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Jul 13 2005 - 20:25:06 EEST

HI Mark
Thanks for the mail and time you took.
I'll change the file names now and as you can see I put a track without
drums for people to be able to add the kit.

I really struggled with an SR 16 on this and you really need a good
drummer for this stuff.


Mark Constable wrote:

>On Thursday 14 July 2005 00:21, Frank smith wrote:
>>New mastered Track, all open source at:
>>Putting Ardour through it's paces! Have a listen
>I'm having difficulty downloading and playing it with bashpodder
>because of the URL with an apostrophe and spaces... and I certainly
>can't add it to the Wiki page at
>FWIW if the ogg filename was something like this then it would be
>wget and file system friendly and also sort correctly in a file
>listing, and also show up nicely in, say, XMMS while playing...
> 2005-07-13_-_Frank_Smith_-_Hey_Dude_Wheres_My_Oil.ogg
>Comments: some good guitar.... the kick/snare flams are a bit stiff
>and awkward, the kick drum is too overbearing, vocals a bit distant.

F R Smith
Technical Admin
Received on Thu Jul 14 00:15:10 2005

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