Re: [linux-audio-user] ams + list dead?

From: R Parker <rtp405@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Jul 16 2005 - 21:23:58 EEST


--- Atte André Jensen <atte.jensen@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> Hi
> I've stated using alsa modular synth, but there's
> been no traffic on the
> list for a couple of days except my single post.
> Also It seems the
> latest version of ams is almost one year old. Is
> this project dead?

I'm clueless.

> it's user base small? Anybody here using it, for
> example?

I used it as a jackd client a few months back. With an
Ardour session I duplicated the kick and snare tracks
at certain parts of the production and streamed them
into the "masher" plugin. Definitely cool stuff.

Unfortunately it was very unstable and I couldn't come
up with a recipe that would cause Segfaults. It was
very unpredictable.

> If so, maybe someone here can supply me with a
> working example of the
> analogue driver.

I don't know what the analogue driver is. I use AMS as
a jackd client. I love using synthesis during mix
production but I'm afraid you won't learn much from
me. I'm just a novice.


 It doesn't seem to work in any
> predictable way...
> --
> Peace, love & harmony
> Atte

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Received on Sun Jul 17 00:15:05 2005

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