Alle 18:58, domenica 17 luglio 2005, paniq@email-addr-hidden ha scritto:
> a simple poll for your ml people here:
> a.) what (linux) distribution do you use?
> b.) does the distribution that you use supply a lot of audio-related
> packages by default?
Cause it is a Mandrake derivated and Thac supports it... yes there are a lot
of audio packages! And more, because I packaged myself some other audio rpms
that Mandrake have not...
> c.) do you consider the distribution that you use to be notably adequate
> for audio production? why?
Yes... "apt-get install ardour qjackctl jack jamin" is enough to have a full
-- ----------------------------------------------- Gianluca Romanin aka J_Zar ----------------------------------------------- -- ----------------------------------------------- Gianluca Romanin aka J_Zar -----------------------------------------------Received on Tue Jul 19 00:15:12 2005
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