> And there is of course a good reason not to make programs
> in development too easy to access: a point of view that I
> like to call "pragmatic elitism".
> As it gets easier for untrained novices to enter the realms
> of an open source program, the quality of participation
> descends. Bug reports become unhelpful. Feature trackers
> become clogged with senseless ideas. Mailing lists burst
> with incompetence. It doesn't have to be like this, but
> from my experience I can tell that if you create software
> for simple minded people, you get simple minded feedback.
> As a developer, you feel a lot of frustration if this
> happens. It might stall or harm development tremendously.
Intersting POV, and you're right.
So how can those people be kept away from bugtrackers and
devel mailing lists?
I really hope that as many people as possible can use and
benefit from free software, but yes, you're right, the above
points are valid.
I think it's great if "normal users" enter the free software
world, but those should perhaps use the software only and
shut up ;-) ?
Best regards
Received on Sun Jul 24 20:15:09 2005
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