> >>>Could someone pls help me on this - because Christophs
> >>>tip with nrpacks=1 didn't change anything for me?
> >
> > Hm, gave me a third of the latency before (46 vs. 16
> > msecs).
> Hmmm - still no luck here (neither on the older Asus
> laptop, nor on the Asus nforce2 board, so it *must* be
> anything wrong with my setups).
Try choosing 3 periods/buffer. I was told that this is
reasonable for USB devices.
> > I've heard that people have achieved 4 msecs on USB
> > devices, though I didn't get it.
> Sigh - I cannot change anything to lower than 42 or 46
> msecs (depending if I use 44.1 or 48kHz)... btw can I
> switch off the whole audio in/out and try MIDI only for a
> start?
For MIDI only, run JACK regardless of the latency (MIDI isn't
handled by JACK, but e.g. MusE needs JACK running regardless
that you only use it for MIDI).
Best regards
Received on Wed Jul 27 16:15:06 2005
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