>From: Randy Kramer <rhkramer@email-addr-hidden>
> * a GPL license, you are allowing a non-GPL'd fork
> * a "commercial license", you are allowing them to compete with you at no
>cost and with no return to you
And they could make their site completely commercial. It would be
a major job to get the same music back if that happens after many
years. Guess, people should submit their music to as many places
as possible.
What is the GPL for audio and for photos? Would that be a good idea?
I'm thinking a sound effect library and a photo library which could
be used, e.g., in games. I want that a game developer who makes
a sky texture box out of our photos would have to make his texture
box available.
I also would like to collect photos from all over the world, taken
by volunteers. The license should be good from the volunteer's
viewpoint. Their work should be credited properly. E.g., the sky box
by N.N. based on photo by M.M.
-- http://music.columbia.edu/mailman/listinfo/linux-graphics-dev for developers of open source graphics softwareReceived on Tue Sep 6 20:15:07 2005
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