On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 07:44:51PM -0600, Hans Fugal wrote:
> Leonard paniq Ritter sent me a nifty patch for hearnet some time ago. I
> really dig it, and I finally got around to incorporating the patch and
> releasing a new version. Here's what paniq has to say about it:
> changed code so that it uses 32-voice polyphony and plays bridges /
> chromatic orders.
> as an effect, you get very harmonic sounds if packet sizes on a site
> are the same, and quite weird stuff if packet sizes vary.
> Go get it and see how much cooler it sounds!
> http://hans.fugal.net/src/hearnet
> Now, this brings up a JACK question. I'm on 2.6.13-rt13 (desktop) using
> PAM with the rtlimits patch. JACK starts up happily in realtime mode,
> and JACK apps I start as me play together nicely. But hearnet must be
> run as root to be able to sniff the network, and therefore it can't
> connect to the JACK server. Is there anything I can do in hearnet code,
> or anywhere else, so that I can have it talk to my existing user-started
> jackd?
well... you could use www.sf.net/projects/netjack to run a synced jackd as root. and let
hearnet connect to that jackd.
note, that i did not test running 2 jackds at once but i think this
should work for different users.
as netjack works very good on a 100Mbps net it should work perfect over
the loopback. building netjack is not straight forward yet (ie
buildsystem does not build the jack_driver, because a jack_driver needs
some headers which are not installed by jack. so you should build the
driver inside you jack builddir and peek how a driver is built.
priority of fixing this is rather low currently.
i will implement double package send and other workarounds for package
loss first.
oh... and this should be a really strange feedback if hearnet transforms
the audiopackets into audio which is transported through the
> --
> Hans Fugal | If more of us valued food and cheer and
> http://hans.fugal.net/ | song above hoarded gold, it would be a
> http://gdmxml.fugal.net/ | merrier world.
> | -- J.R.R. Tolkien
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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-- torben Hohn http://galan.sourceforge.net -- The graphical Audio languageReceived on Sat Sep 24 16:15:12 2005
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