Debian has been my desktop for almost seven years.
After trying Mandrake, RedHat, Slackware and some of
their derivatives, I always reverted back to Debian.
I agree that Debian Stable is a slow mover, but think
of Debian Stable and Debian Testing remotely akin to
RedHat *S and Fedora. Debian Stable moves slowly and
it seems things take forever to get there from
Testing. The same could be said for Fedora Core and
RedHat's *S commercial offerings. If you want
pre-built package rotation to move fast, don't use
RedHat *S and use Fedora. If you want your package
rotation to move faster, use Debian Testing instead of
Debian Stable. Debian is also my choice because I
have Linux installs on both Mac and PC; it is easier
to maintain both systems when using the same distro.
I was a lurker on Fernando's list, and got a great
deal of very helpful information there. However, I
took that info and applied it to my Debian Testing
system. No matter what your distro, It will deviate
from the pristine snapshot provided by pre-built
binary packages. You will probalby need to compile
something, edit a file somewhere, upgrade a library .
. .
I would suggest just pick something and stick with it
through the tough times because you will have to do
something out of your package management at some point
down the road. That statement is more true than you
think, especially with sound and music apps on Linux.
-=Sean Edwards=-
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Received on Sun Dec 4 08:15:04 2005
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