On Wed, 2005-12-07 at 16:51 -0500, Brett McCoy wrote:
> Lee Revell wrote:
> > I don't get it either. How can it be considered progress when almost 30
> > years later "state of the art" CGI still looks worse than Star Wars did?
> > I guess because it's cheaper. Sad, really.
> Yes, I think as far as movie SFX goes, "The Empire Strikes Back"
> (original version) was the pinnacle.
> Not to mention the audio engineering of albums like "Dark Side of the
> Moon" :-) Even now I find myself still using tube amps (even mike pre's)
> for everything. Love to get a tube compressor also.
Gotta have 'em! Tubes, tubes, tubes. I've got an HHB Fat Man
stereo tube compressor and an Art Pro Channel with tube/optical
compression. I even use the Pro Channel live 'cause it just sounds so
-- Jan 'Evil Twin' Depner The Fuzzy Dice http://myweb.cableone.net/eviltwin69/fuzzy.html "As we enjoy great advantages from the invention of others, we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours, and this we should do freely and generously." Benjamin Franklin, on declining patents offered by the governor of Pennsylvania for his "Pennsylvania Fireplace", c. 1744Received on Thu Dec 8 08:15:05 2005
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