Chris Reisor wrote:
> On 12/15/05, Cesare Marilungo <cesare@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> Ok,
>> shame on me for this, but I would really really like to share with you
>> my latest musical efforts. Unfortunately, I was already working on these
>> tracks when I finally got everything working on gnu/Linux audio. So I
>> finished these tracks (made with mostly with free VST plugins, my guitar
>> and some vocals) on my copies of Tracktion on MacOSX and WinXP (Mackie
>> gave them away for free last christmas to promote their forthcoming
>> newer version). BTW it's a shame that a software made by one guy alone,
>> using mostly opensource LGPL libraries and with an XML file format
>> hasn't been released opensource. But I believe that when Ardour will
>> have MIDI integration, it would be even better than Tracktion (it is
>> already far better IMHO if you consider just the audio functionalities).
>> I will probably retouch these tracks with jamin for the final cd
>> version, but I'm already concentrated on new stuff now (using only o.s.s.).
>> I don't like to think in terms of genres, but people often describes my
>> music as ambient. So don't bother to download it if you don't like ambient.
>> Anyway, If you'll consider listening to my new EP (released under the
>> cc-licence) you can grab it here:
>> It's a 27Mb zip with 4 mp3 tracks (192Kbps). Title is: The Moon EP (code
>> name: last of the closed source sw tracks).
>> Or for individual tracks:
>> I'm still working on the cover.
> Glad you're on our side now.
> --chris reisor
Care to explain that to an "outsider"? :-)
Best wishes, FRitz
Received on Sat Dec 17 04:15:05 2005
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