LinuxMedia wrote:
> Brad Fuller wrote:
> >>> I couldn't find a way to do this in ecasound, maybe there's a way to
> >>> do it. Here's what I want to do:
> >>>
> >>> Find the exact length of a audio file in ms. I think ecalength can do
> >>> this, I know it's not sample accurate, but I just need down to the
> >>> around 1ms. Maybe there's another option other than ecalength.
> >>>
> >>> Then, I want to extract a section of another file: at a specific
> >>> location in ms at a length of the file above.
> >>>
> >>> Then, mix that extracted segment with another file and save the
> >>> result to a new file. How can this be done? I don't know of a
> >>> utility that can extract a specific length at a specific location
> in ms.
> This should work...
> bash> ecalength LengthFile.wav
> LengthFile.wav: 9.083s (0m9s)
> bash> ecasound -i:ExtractFrom.wav -y:(StartPosition) -t:9.083
> -o:Extracted.wav
> bash> ecasound -a:1 -i:Extracted.wav -a:2 -i:MixWith.wav -a:1,2
> -o:BothFilesMixed.wav
> Of course, this gets tricky if any of the files in question have
> different channel counts, bit depths, sampling rates or are of
> different file types. It still can be done, but there will be other
> interm steps involved. But in a best case scenerio, the above should
> work.
> Let me know if this how it went....
> Rocco
Thanks Rocco,
That's close to what Jeremy mentioned over on the ecasound list. I asked
him, and I'll ask here: do you know who to find the closest zero
crossing? in the extracted "from" file? That would seem to be a
necessary step to prevent clicks.
Received on Tue Dec 20 04:15:07 2005
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