[linux-audio-user] Current merrits of tmpfs with Jack

From: Russell Hanaghan <hanaghan@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Dec 22 2005 - 21:14:03 EET

Hi to all and Merry Xmas, Festivus, whatever your preference!

Is there a major performance hit that anyone can speak to if they do not
utilize tmpfs on /tmp when using jack?

I'm looking to master a Livecd and to create it, it stores it's data in
/tmp. If I have tmpfs set on /tmp, the mastering of the cd falls out
becauges 1 gb of memory is insufficient....yet, I want /tmp to have a
tmpfs ultimately on the bootable cd.

Any thoughts?

Received on Fri Dec 23 00:15:11 2005

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