On 12/22/05, Andrew Lewis <alewis@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> This is actually a general problem with Ubuntu - in that most KDE apps
> don't show in the GNOME menu & vice versa, which is a pain & unfortunate
> that a user-centric Linux distro doesn't provide these. GNOME 2.12
> apparently finally provides a menu editor, which I haven't been bothered
> to find... Running flux... yay...
I'm referencing a couple of threads here, specifically the discussion
about -rt kernels I had recently, but FYI - I emailed one of the big
guys (have no idea who he is) with the Ubuntu project and told him
that they REALLY need an official kernel for realtime work. This,
along with the other problems with fluxbox menus and such, keeps
Ubuntu from being *the* thing for audio work.
> Oh; I broke my old FC2 boxlet @ home installing PlanetCCRMA (and to
> think I deleted a whole load of porn to get it on there :p)... I'm
> unfortunate enough to still be running FC2 @Home, cz I'm lazy to find
> somewhere to back everything up to, re-install (will get there
> eventually)...
This is the funniest thing I've read in while...don't know why, but it
struck me as really funny. I, of course, have never had this happen
to me :)
-- Josh Lawrence http://www.hardbop200.comReceived on Fri Dec 23 08:15:09 2005
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