Setup: older roland kbcontroller mkb-200 and SBlive w/soundfont;
works great for weekly practice group session, my solo practice,
..., and I'm enjoying it and linux audio.
But sometimes I need a pitch (tuning) slider; some way to easily
"tune" the keyboard to an out-of-tune recording, piano, etc.
(Years ago, I used win31/sb&roland-daughter-card and there was an
effects program that could tune. But it required use of computer
kb and mouse so it wasn't what I'd call easy.) Right now when
this need happens, I just quit playing kb and pick up my sax :>)
I've never created a useful midi recording; I use it just for
a keyboard to play. (Recently bought the book for Rosegarden and
one these days, I hope ..) So I don't know much about midi ways
of controlling stuff. The mkb-200 has 2 sliders for volume
(lower and upper kb split), modulation (depth & risetime)
sliders, pitch-bend wheel which is also modulation on, and
buttons for stuff like channel, voice, after-touch, ... I have
now idea how any of these might be used, or if some other midi
device that I could buy, might give me a tuning slider.
Is midi pitch tuning a part of any linux program like rosegarden,
or a synth program or ??? If so, do any not require computer kb
and mouse?
Is there a command line way to do it?
I've done a bit of googling on this without joy so far. Am I
missing something obvious, or am I the only one that runs into
the need to tune to someones out-of-tune instrument?
Received on Wed Jan 11 00:15:05 2006
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