Doesn't Winamp play ogg??
Most users I know use winamp anyway.
(the ones I know and help do!)
Thing is Ogg sounds better.
Kevin Cosgrove wrote:
>On 15 January 2006 at 16:33, Lee Revell <rlrevell@email-addr-hidden-job.com> wrote:
>>Hmm, can they really do that? At least I don't think US patent law
>>allows it, otherwise the pharmaceutical companies would do the same
>>thing to block generic drugs.
>Nexium is a small adjustment to the Priolosec formulation from what I
>understand. I could be wrong tho.
>Disney just has their legal department change copyright laws when
>they need to extend the profit life of Mickey Mouse.
>OK, I'll stop being a cynic any day now. ;-)
Received on Tue Jan 17 00:15:06 2006
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