On Friday 20 Jan 2006 16:02, Emanuel Rumpf wrote:
> If I load/open a rosegarden project with dssi plugins applied, there
> is no sound output.
> The sound comes back, when I deselect each of the plugins and then
> reselect it.
> [...]
> I'm using rosegarden 1.2_cvs
Last updated when? There have been some recent changes to the plugin
state save/restore logic.
Does this affect all DSSI plugins, or only certain ones?
There have been problems in the past with state being incompletely
restored for some particular plugins -- Xsynth was the most obvious
example -- so that they when reloaded would either play silently or
with some barely-audible clicks or other pathological configuration.
This should be fixed in current CVS, as of about a week ago.
> I know, it's cvs, sid, but wanted to let you know...
We're just building up to another release, so reports on problems in CVS
are welcome just now.
> Note: With the default-studio this does not happen, I can here the
> plugins there after rosegarden started.
The default studio doesn't have any synth plugins in it... I'm puzzled
as to what you mean there.
Received on Sat Jan 21 00:15:05 2006
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