This mail accidently went as personal mail, so here it is again sent to the list.
Chris Cannam wrote:
>>On Friday 20 Jan 2006 16:02, Emanuel Rumpf wrote:
>>>>If I load/open a rosegarden project with dssi plugins applied, there
>>>>is no sound output.
>>>>The sound comes back, when I deselect each of the plugins and then
>>>>reselect it.
>>>>I'm using rosegarden 1.2_cvs
>>Last updated when?
The version I'm talking about is 1.2_cvs 3.4.3
The binary date:
2006-01-15 22:52 /usr/bin/rosegarden
>>Does this affect all DSSI plugins, or only certain ones?
All plugins are affected.
>>There have been problems in the past with state being incompletely
>>restored for some particular plugins -- Xsynth was the most obvious
>>example -- so that they when reloaded would either play silently or
>>with some barely-audible clicks or other pathological configuration.
>>This should be fixed in current CVS, as of about a week ago.
>>>>I know, it's cvs, sid, but wanted to let you know...
>>We're just building up to another release, so reports on problems in CVS
>>are welcome just now.
>>>>Note: With the default-studio this does not happen, I can here the
>>>>plugins there after rosegarden started.
>>The default studio doesn't have any synth plugins in it... I'm puzzled
>>as to what you mean there.
Right it doesn't have any synth plugins by default, but I saved another
project with dssi-synth-plugins as
default-studio. (Menu: Composition/Studio/Save current project as default)
If rosegarden is started, there's the default-studio loaded first. This
plays the plugins.
But if I open other projects with synth-plugins, they are all quit then.
Also there was a situation, when the select dialog-window for the
synth-plugin got confused:
There was a synth-plugin selected, but the synth-instrument-list showed
the patches for the previously selected fluid-dssi.
Other errors I get, if I try to save synth-instruments (patches):
WhySynth: load error: no patches recognized in patch file
Xsynth: patch configuration failed: corrupt data
I will try a more recent cvs-snapshot soon.
Some other things I would enjoy to see:
(just my thoughts and suggestion)
- In the track-editor it is possible to duplicate segments by holding
<strg>+drag. This should be possible in the matrix editor as well for
note-events (for consequency), but doesn't.
- The matrix editor is nice for note input and editing, but I sometimes
accidently put notes. This requires me to select the eraser-tool and
back to the draw-tool. What about introducing some trick?:
Double-clicking the note on the (very) left side, to erase it. This
behaviour would also be very usefull in the drum-editor.
At the moment the event-property-dialog appears on double-click: move it
to the right-mbutton-menu instead. Reason: It will be much less used,
than the eraser tool (I assume).
- matrix-editor: The draw and resize-tools should allow events to be
resized by click-dragging them on the right side because moving and
resizing is often done mutual.
- I've seen a "brush" tool in some sequencers, allowing many notes to be
drawn by clicking and draging, with the note-position specified by the
grid and note-lenght by quantisation. This is also usfull for drum
(hihat) editing.
- taste but: The mouse jumps to the note-event-start on mouse-click with
move/select-tool. I would prefere it to keep the position relative to
the event.
- in the german version, "velocity" is bad translated. In this case
velocity is not "Geschwindigkeit".
"velocity" is "Anschlagst�rke" here and
"adjust (event-)velocities" is "Anschlagst�rke (der T�ne) setzen"
- The accordname-ruler in the matrix editor doesn't view anyting.
- symbols for the main-toolbar for metronome on/off , solo on/off
- make the transport (re-)disappear by repressing the T-key.
- there's already the nice command 'Join overlapping notes with equal
pitches'. This could be extended by the command: 'Shorten preceeding
overlapping note, so that it ends 1/64 before the following (equal
pitched) note.' (legato)
- Velocity Property Ruler: allow 'free-draw properties' . Bring
velocities of selected notes to front.
'Draw property line' now affects all events. Maybe affecting selected
events only would be more powerfull.
- The project (and propably tracks) could have a small notepad for
notices. (I would use it for some
hints, how to continue editing, reminding me to make coffee etc.)
Thanks for all efforts and this versatile program
Received on Sat Jan 21 12:15:05 2006
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