Alexandre Ratchov wrote:
> i'm not a professional, but imo the sound quality is correct. There isn't
> much noise, i've tried to plug the output of my synthesizer to the input of the
> sound card and then i've run:
> arecord -f cd | aplay -f cd
> and imo, the result is good;
> The mixer works, it's very simple; there are few controls (input gain,
> output gain, dac gain, and direct monitor gain). The only feature that i
> couldn't get to work on linux is the "direct monitor" (it controls the
> amount of the input signal that is routed directly to the output).
Great, thank you very much for the report!
This seems quite good.
Concerning the direct monitor, by default have you some input sound
routed to output? I mean without playing it back again with a software.
> i don't expect low latency from such USB hardware; i just plan to use it as
> a simple full-duplex player/recorder. Do you want me to do some other tests?
Have you some noticable output delay when playing an instrument on input?
I want to use it to record music from my band. Recording each track
separatly, while playing other tracks. So i need no audible latency, no
delay between the moment a note is played on the instrument and this
note is heared on speakers.
>>Do you know if it is an USB1 or USB2 compliant device?
> it is USB1.1 compliant; there is no proprietary and/or hidden features,
> (even the direct monitor is compliant).
Last thing, what kernel and Alsa version are you using?
For now, i'm running 2.6.8 with Alsa 1.0.4. I hope i will not have to
update one of them.
> regards,
Received on Tue Jan 24 04:15:06 2006
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