Quoting Sampo Savolainen <v2@email-addr-hidden>:
> How did you export the track from Ardour? Did you use the "Export session to
> audiofile" option?
> If you did, you should check which tracks/buses you have selected for
> exporting. If you use the master bus, you should export _only_ the master
> bus outputs. Left output to the left export channel, right output to the
> right export channel. Also, check the "Specific tracks" option to see that
> nothing else is exported.
> Sampo
Hi again Sampo
I would never have thought that the "Specific tracks" part of the export could
be the problem -- I'm pretty sure I haven't messed around in there (although
this track has been on the go for a couple of months now, so maybe I've
forgotten about it, or maybe it's just a glitch).
Anyway, the left channel of the kick drum and the right channel of another mono
track (that I hadn't noticed a problem with, oops!) were selected. It's
exporting as I type...
..and we have success! I think I was way overthinking the problem -- it just
goes to show that you shouldn't overlook anything, no matter how simple.
Once again, many thanks for your help. :-)
Received on Fri Jan 27 00:15:07 2006
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