Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: 192kHz

From: studio64 <fsmith@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Jan 27 2006 - 18:56:33 EET

Michael T D Nelson wrote:

> Ismael Valladolid Torres wrote:
>> Michael T D Nelson escribe:
>>> The "bickering about the dynamics of CDs" could be partly due to the
>>> production used in lots of CDs - there is often a tendency to
>>> overcompress popular music (in particular) to ridiculous levels,
>>> reducing the dynamic range considerably.
>> [1]This is the best article I've ever read about this issue
>> 1.
>> Cordially, Ismael
> I've read that article (and I've heard the Rush CDs!) and I couldn't
> agree more.
> In general, I can't help but feel that if the engineer always needs to
> compress a acoustic recording, then the musician should really learn
> how to control the dynamics of his performance better.
> Dynamics are an important part of music!
Yes this is indeed true and one of the reasons some older recordings
sound so good is because they were played really well.
I have fallen into the ' I'll sort that out in the mix' Really very
rarely works.
If it doesn't sound that good play it again until it does.


> Regards,
> Michael
Received on Fri Jan 27 20:15:19 2006

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