Re: [linux-audio-user] Ubuntu as a music studio

From: Hector Centeno-Garcia <h.centeno@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Jan 28 2006 - 08:48:02 EET

Jon Hoskins wrote:

>I decided to give Ubuntu 6.04 "Dapper Flight 3" a run and noticed that
>#cat /boot/config-2.6.15-4-386 | grep PREEMPT gives CONFIG_PREEMPT=y and
>has been the same in all the "dapper" kernels I've tried, something that
>was not enabled in the stable "breezy" kernels. Does this mean the ubuntu
>guys are looking at releasing a stable kernel with PREEMPT enabled?


Precisely today I recompiled the Ubuntu Breezy kernel with
CONFIG_PREEMPT=y and it made a huge difference! With my M-Audio
Audiophile I'm able to get 2ms latency and lower completely stable!
Before I was only able to go as low as 11ms stable or 5ms with some
xruns... and the performance in general now is way faster! I also
changed to CONFIG_MPENTIUM4=y (as I have a P4 processor) so I'm not sure
if the performance boost is only related to the PREEMPT option (or maybe


Received on Sat Jan 28 12:15:04 2006

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