Re: [linux-audio-user] Been busy again

From: Folderol <folderol@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Feb 19 2006 - 23:22:00 EET

On Sun, 19 Feb 2006 21:19:19 +0000
Folderol <folderol@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> Well, I still haven't got a decent sound card sorted out but I have
> discovered I can make quite presentable mp3 recordings with my iRiver
> H340 :) so I've put another couple of pieces on my website.
> Raspberry Jam is just a bit of nonsense where I sort of set up a rhythm
> then deliberately played some rather outlandish bits on top that sort
> of stagger around only just managing to stay sensibly in time and key.
> Ghost Train is one of my favourites (so please be gentle with it) and
> was developed from an interesting sounding chord progression.
> Everything else just seemed to fit somehow.
> As a point of interest, I was very poor when I first laid these tracks
> down and only had a single port MIDI interface. My way round the
> problem was to set the SY22 I then had to only use tracks 1-8 and the
> Sound Canvas to tracks 9-16. With care I found I could actually get far
> more than 16 instruments in a running piece by sending SYSEX to
> whichever instrument was not currently sounding.
Oops. Forgot...

Received on Sun Feb 26 20:15:53 2006

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