Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: System upgrade recommendations

From: Ctirad Fertr <phanatic@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Feb 20 2006 - 12:48:54 EET

Dne pondělí 20 únor 2006 02:02 Carlo Capocasa napsal(a):
> You know technically what the latency is?

Latency is variable and depends on pitch. Roland GI-20 needs two periods of
wave to read the frequency, so the worst latency (low E string on guitar) is
about 25ms. Some people replace the low E string (or even all strings) on
their MIDI equipped guitars by high E string and then let MIDI converter or
synth to transpose them into correct values. It allows the lowest possible


Received on Sun Feb 26 20:16:44 2006

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