Le 22 Feb à 23:11, Ken Schutte ecrivait:
> I've setup a new FC4 system with alsa, jack, etc, and a SB Live card.
> There's seems to be a lot of places to set the levels: guitar, amp,
> alsamixer (capture, line in), but I feel like I've tried it all. I'd
> like to go thru my amp first, which has a line out and headphone out.
Maybe the SB Live isn't the ideal solution, but plug your guitar
using only the *preamp* output (or level, or gain, or whatever you can do)
if your hardware permits that. Then, as it has been said, you should
really try CAPS plugins, especially the cabinet simulator. This plugin has
a really tremendous effect and is, imho, the starting point for searching
a nice sound. Without this cabinet simulator, the guitar will always sound
like if it would be plugged directly in a hi fi system. The author says
that preset number 5 sounds like a Marshall amp, and number 4 more like a
Fender one. Number 0 is bypass.
Consider also the hard clipping program included in CAPS suite for
adjusting level, in conjunction with premp simulator. Finally the plate
reverb also provided with CAPS sounds really nice.
With this suite, I control all the guitar sound and level in a
single jack rack (I plug the recording output of a Mesa Boogie *preamp* in a
-- Yves Potin Logiciels libres pour l'enseignement : http://logiciels-libres-cndp.ac-versailles.fr/Received on Sun Feb 26 20:19:47 2006
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