On Sat, 2006-02-25 at 14:49 -0800, Maluvia wrote:
> I just cannot think of any other reason why hardware manufacturers
> would want to lock their product into a single OS.
(with apologies to the writer of "Fight Club")
Let A be the estimated profit per Linux sale, B the size of the Linux
market and C the potential cost if the competition uses the published
specs to copy their device. If A times B is less than C, there will not
be a Linux driver.
The only thing these vendors understand is money - if they don't support
Linux, don't buy their gear. One big client's insistence (the Weather
channel) was enough to get ATI to release open drivers for one of their
lines of 3D cards. We just need to get Linux heads into positions of
power like that...
Received on Sun Feb 26 20:21:41 2006
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