[linux-audio-user] Re: rosegarden without KDE?

From: Michelle Konzack <linux4michelle@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Feb 25 2006 - 01:06:12 EET

Hello Carlo,

Am 2006-02-24 17:55:30, schrieb Carlo Capocasa:
> > That's ridiculous. Disk space is dirtcheap nowadays.
> Look an African university professor in the eye and say that again.

Or in Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan or Pakistan...
Even in Morocco where my girlfriend lives...

> All this is precisely the attitude that causes bloat. It is obviously
> not true that space and speed doesn't matter, namely in embedded systems
> and recycled hardware. We should seriously make everything as small and
> fast as possible and we could soon be running the same software on
> desktop PCs, handhelds and toasters.
> Unfortunately, the WinXP lookalike league makes that a bit more difficult.


> To be at least a little productive in this post, to my knowledge,
> Rosegarden depends on KDE like a golf ball depends on a club. That's why
> I don't use it anymore (switched to XFCE and HAPPY). I use SEQ24 and I
> am praying for rapid development on Ardour MIDI support.

I think, I will go the sam way.

Currenly friends of me using rosegaren 2 which do not need KDE!

> (Can you believe UI oriented software that good can weigh at six megs
> packed STATICALLY LINKED? Unbelievable!)


> Carlo

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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Received on Mon Feb 27 16:15:14 2006

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