Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: Free Software vs. Open Source: Where do*you* stand?

From: Cesare Marilungo <cesare@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Feb 28 2006 - 04:06:24 EET

tim hall wrote:

> Yes, but you can't release those pieces under cc licenses unless you
> have control of copyright. You lose copyright then you lose the right
> to license those pieces altogether. Being an amateur is a middle-class
> luxury.

To me, being an amateur is to make art for the sake of art. and being a
pro its just a job.

If you're right, for similar reasons, maybe also coding software and
releasing it as open source should be a middle-class luxury. Is this the
case? I don't think so.

And anyway, how does this thread about copyright and open source relate
to being an amateur?


Received on Tue Feb 28 04:15:25 2006

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