> Message: 4
> Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 18:41:29 +0100
> From: Carlo Capocasa <capocasa@email-addr-hidden>
> Subject: [linux-audio-user] Cheap Ass Gear
> To: linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
> Message-ID: <du220n$56o$1@email-addr-hidden>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15
> After throughly discussing the matter with myself in one of the recent
> threads, I have decided to buy one of these babies.
> http://www.musicgate.ch/oxid.php/sid/
> 80a0861528715ba10d991d222b7cea8e/cl/
> details/cnid/6de41fdfcc49e8d26.98526461/
> anid/a64439d2dcebda552.04446416/Samson-C01U/
> (For an explicit photograph of it it is necessary to piece together the
> URL, but this is probably not the greatest length you have gone to to
> find pleasing imagery online)
> I've been screaming all around how there is no linear scale of quality
> and how everything is subjective while secretly drooling over Paul
> Davis' latest phidelity discoveries.
> That's pretty hypocritical to say the least.
I have one of them.
It works fine with Linux, but it's noisy as hell.
The a/d is fixed gain, and the level control is digital after the a/d.
Not good for noise performance, but you don't have to worry about
dither. :)
If you don't need the portability aspect you will honestly get better
results with the non usb version and a tiny behringer desk for the pre
and an old soundblaster live card for your a/ds. The non usb version is
a little cheaper, so getting it and a few other bits and pieces should
not cost much more.
> It so happens that I'm living on a series of loans the Swiss government
> is issuing to me on grounds I don't get into trouble (it has been a big
> sacrifice) which aren't exactly designed to match up with the latest and
> greatest in the QBDD* tested section of Pro Audio hardware designed to
> be pleasing to people who bias themselves by reading the specs before
> listening in order to give quality statements that are generally
> accepted as non-biased.
The good old government. :)
> Whew :)
> And since I have to decided to change this situation purely over sine
> waves and my own sexuality (recorded in the waves) it makes sense to run
> low overhead for a while. I've seen these two chicks recently, one of
> them fat, causing quite a stir in me playing UKULELEs. One of them
> smiles heftily enough to move a jackhammer through freshly pressed and
> carefully crafted brick pavement (or whatever), and I like that.
> http://www.thehazzards.com
> I actually bought a CD from them, which I will never listen to, they
> sound awful, but for some reason I wanted to give them money and there's
> a pair of red luscious lips on the cover.
A good album cover is equivilent to 4 extra bits of resolution in the
recording. This may not be true, but it's a SCIENTIFIC FACT.
> Wish me luck with my el-cheapo USB mike! I'll be posting irrevent music
> soon. Nobody will be speared. Uh, spared. I think. That's Carlo
> Capocasa, reporting live from my uncleanly apartment in St. Gallen,
> Switzerland.
> Carlo
> *Quadruple Blind, Deaf and Dumb
Received on Wed Mar 1 00:15:06 2006
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