Maluvia spoke in tongues:
> One of our heros - and actually, we do that too.
> We started doing that when we switched to Zaolla cables since they are
> designed to have a preferred direction for the signal flow, (but they no
> longer put the arrows on the cables).
How, then, does the sound know which direction to go?
You're not worried about rectification or picking up AM radio, are you?
If I had cables with the arrows, how much would it cost to upgrade to
cables without the arrows? Is there a kit? How would you characterise
the difference between the sound of the older and newer cables?
If I were to build a suspension bridge out of such cables, provided they
were aligned correctly, would anyone be interested in purchasing one? (I
bet it would sound great!)
Just asking, of course.
Received on Thu Mar 2 04:15:06 2006
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