I�ve tryed getting my Radium usb keybord to work for
days now, its not nice.
where can the probelm be? well.. I dont have that
modules.conf ou conf.modules file in /etc. There is a
modprobe.conf and I mess with it.
Second, in console:
#amidi -l
Device Name
and nothing more
#aconnect -i -o
gives me a cliente 0: �system�[type kernel]
an client 62: �midi through� [type kernel]
and nothing more....
I am using alsa for my delta 66 and it is doing fine.
My Fedora Core 3 with planet ccrma is doing fine too.
when alsa is turned on, it starts snd-usb-audio as it
should. And I have hotplug installed.
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