Sup Cdr!
> i tend do disagree. since when i buy a CD i have a nice backup copy, ,and the artwork. its amazing that apple has sold 1 billion lossy tunes without a hardbackup, and then integrated all sorts of 'make the user orphan/lose their music' defaults into itunes and their policy. and all this along with selling a player without FM radio (since they could get the music for 'free' that way) this is what we're up against...
Given your nickname, you would now, wouldn't you :)
Seriously, the whole point is not what anyone (including you) considers
true now, but what we WANT people to consider true in order to benefit
our movement. Of course, if you take a rational standpoint, physical CDs
have their strengths and weaknesses, and downloadable music has their
strenghts and weaknessess. But we're not taking a rational standpoint
now, we're taking a marketing standpoint. And all that matters from this
perspective is that we CAUSE people to believe what is beneficial to US.
(In other words, is beneficial to society, from our unique perspective).
>From this standpoint:
Downloadable music from the freemusic network is superior to CDs.
Downloadable music from the freemusic network is superior to CDs.
Downloadable music from the freemusic network is superior to CDs.
Believing it yet? ;)
> ideally id like to not have to think about downloading it. for ex maybe i can just dedicate 20GB of my HD and 20% of upstream bandwidth to some kind of 'freenet' backend to a CC music database.. then i dont have to deal with curating a collection, but know i can still listen to disheled_mutt-a-0-2932-1266.ogg even when is down, yagetme?
Freemusic servers are never down. There is beautiful artwork and liner
notes on our shiny, beautiful, extremely cool web sites. We promise to
never take down our music (or to put it back up when the public
demands). There is no need for a backup, WE are your backup. We are
infinetly cooler to anything of the corporate ass-wipes that put out CD
music. You don't like CD music. You like downloadable freemusic. You
look for the OGG Vorbis freemusic logo before listening.
>>>"The OGG Vorbis file format is a sign of quality."
> the logo should be some kind of upright shiny egg, with maybe a crack or two in it and some red stuff inside (obligatory Turing nod)
Let's make a contest! Submissions? I suck at designing. I tried to make
a logo but it sucked. Maybe if I try again. Keep in mind the logo must
be 'cool'. Appealing.
>>>"Music that costs something is worthless."
> it is pretty disappointing that the only way i CAN pay for the music i want is buy the CDs one at a time as they come out, and pay their price again in shipping to order from a few boutique stores in London, since the incumbent music industry seems to have forgotten anything it ever knew about artistic diversity or a&R
That is false. There is way more free music downloadable on-line than
could fit into any record shop. If a music salesperson charges you
up-front he is a rip-off and a fraud. You want nothing to do with him.
You want to download the music up front. You WANT to donate as much as
you possibly can when you have done so.
>>>"You are under a moral obligation to donate when you download music
>>>for free and listen to it regularly."
> says who. g-d? i disagree
You are under a moral obligation to donate when you download music
for free and listen to it regularly.
You are under a moral obligation to donate when you download music
for free and listen to it regularly.
You are under a moral obligation to donate when you download music
for free and listen to it regularly.
You are under a moral obligation to donate when you download music
for free and listen to it regularly.
You are under a moral obligation to donate when you download music
for free and listen to it regularly.
Believing it yet? I'll buy you a beer if you read that 100 times every
day for a week :)
>>>OGG Vorbis needs a logo. "VORBIS Seal of quality." Kind of like 'Intel
>>>Inside'. People don't exactly know what this 'Intel' is that is inside
>>>but simply assume they need it. People don't know exactly what this
>>>'VORBIS' is but assume it stands for freedom, love, good feelings...
> yeah. we can wrap up all sorts of positive emotions into a logo and then sell it to people for huge margins, then stop worrying about how to make money since our society will be replaced with one that runs on pure emotion and compassion. how about we callit the UTOPIA initiative?
You are a positive thinker. You are a positive thinker. You believe in
yourself. You believe in yourself. You can make a difference. You can
make a difference.
>>>I believe the best 'brand' and 'credible authority figure' we can create
>>>is simply 'Free Music'.
> if i had money, id think about buying some of the music i have on my hd, but it would be pretty much impossible to track down more than 5% of it. so this is more or less why i mainly support free music., the other option is difficult, and inaffordable,.
> im pretty sure is what you describe. its also filled with crap. i like the servicse that middlemen like pirate radio, DJs, and mp3 release group 'brand names' provide. sifting thru the crap is a fulltime job. if you want to get started on some kind of 'digg' for CC audio, i might be interested...
This thought is slowly disappearing from your mind. You know that is filled with amazingly beautiful music and you will from
now on look only in the right places. You like free music. You adore
free music. Free music is the only kind that exists.
Received on Fri Mar 10 12:15:07 2006
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.8 : Fri Mar 10 2006 - 12:15:07 EET